LG just unveiled a pleasant surprise for the wine lovers - Think Business Kenya


Monday, October 22, 2018

LG just unveiled a pleasant surprise for the wine lovers

Everyone enjoys a good meal with a glass of wine. That combination of the different flavours complements each other quite well. Be it red wine or white wine.

It is said that red meat is served with red wine and white meat is served with white meat. This has brought about demand for wine mainly by the high-end hotels and restaurants. There are quite a number of wine varieties across the world giving people a wide range to choose from.

These days people not only use wine for drinking but also cooking, baking, and also a used as a dressing for salads. Consumption of wine is not only a luxurious element but also has quite impressive health benefits to the human body. Red wine is healthy as it reduces cholesterol in the body, prevents diabetes, improves blood circulation and helps one to relax.

It is said that the more wine stays in the wine cellars the better it gets and tastes. However, not everyone has the space and budget to support the cellars. The search for a consumer-oriented wine cellar that is also accessible led me to LG Electronics latest innovation.

Fortunately, LG has a modern wine cellar that are a unique addition to one’s home. The state of art wine cellar can securely store up to one hundred bottles at a time. The cellar has two distinctive features that creates an environment sufficient for the fermentation process of the wine.

The cellar has a multi-temperature control that maintains the specific temperature for the different wines stored. Secondly, it has an automatic lift system that is user-friendly, allowing one to easily access the wine bottles. Lastly, the artificial intelligence incorporated in the wine cellar allows for voice recognition that supports a hands free door operation.

“The LG wine cellar is an efficient and convenient appliance that balances well capacity, utility and technology while being non-intrusive. This is a must have for consumers who enjoy entertaining guests while showcasing their personal collection in a modern way,” says Mr. Moses Marji, LG General Manager Marketing.

Since LG’s wine cellars are very modern, one can easily control the temperature of the cellars with the different settings it comes with. The cellars have different compartments in that you can separate the red wines from the white wines.
Their unique and modern design can easily be confused with the refrigerators, which is quite exciting. For all wine lovers the modern LG cellars are a stress-free and cost-effective way of storing and preserving wine for future use.

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