The love triangle: Weight loss, food freshness, and your LG kitchen appliances - Think Business Kenya


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The love triangle: Weight loss, food freshness, and your LG kitchen appliances

Anyone trying to lose weight has probably heard of the formula that weight loss is 80 percent diet and 20 percent exercise. What many of us do not hear is the role fresh food plays in the formula.

Fresh food cooked at home has been found to be more nutritious than restaurant food. This is because when we make food at home, we tend to make use of fresh ingredients, which are low in calories but high in nutritional value.

Majority of restaurants around the world have poor food storage techniques which results to loss of nutrients. In the last month, for instance, over 50 restaurants in Georgia have been closed due to improper hot and cold food storage temperatures, which violates storage guidelines. With poor storage mechanisms, the food losses over 70% of the nutrients and can become poisonous.

However, not all is lost as you can change this by proper food storage.

Well, first, invest in appliances that have intuitive and innovative technology to keep food fresher for longer. The LG refrigerators have the Linear Cooling™, which keeps food fresh for up to 14 days. In addition to their innovative and ergonomic designs, these refrigerators use insights gleaned from decades of research to lock in cold air and prevent food from degrading.

Other appliances like the LG InstaView ThinQ is the culmination of cutting-edge refrigeration technology and maximum convenience and efficiency.  It has a smart tag feature that allows the addition of stickers, tags and expiration dates to food stored in the smart fridge, issuing alerts as an item reaches its expiration date.

LG East Africa Marketing Manager, Moses Marji says that LG’s use of artificial intelligence in their refrigerators helps revolutionize the eating habits of consumers from preparation, cooking and storage.

“We have smart kitchen solutions that streamlining food preparation from start to finish. In particular, our Door-in-Door refrigerators have special temperature controlled cabinets that keep fruits and vegetables in a pristine state while also prolonging the lifespan of leftovers stored inside,” said Mr. Marji.

So what is the connection with weight loss? Well fresh food is loaded with important nutrients and fiber, which helps one feel satisfied with fewer calories. Fresh foods are also high in healthy fats that assist in weight loss.

Researchers in the Department of Nutrition at show us that quality is in fact very important in determining what we should eat to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, and that the notion of “a calorie is a calorie” does not tell the whole story.

According to the Harvard School of Public Health: “The modern food era has spread out a smorgasbord of hyperpalatable, flavor-enhanced, additive-laced, convenient, and relatively affordable foods that are high in added sugar, unhealthy fats, and salt, and engineered to overcome our internal homeostatic eating signals. Our bodies and brains are all but helpless in response”.

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